Permissions, licensing requests, and all other inquiries should be directed in writing to: Pacifica Radio Archives c/o Archives Director, 3729 Cahuenga Blvd. Please contact the Pacifica Radio Archives if you wish to use any portion of this recording in any published work or performance. Preservation services provided by George Blood Audio and Video.Īddeddate 21:30:36 Date-broadcast Date-created 1972-uu-uu Identifier pacifica_radio_archives-BC1199 Rights RESTRICTED. The preservation of these tapes was funded by a grant from the National Historic Publications and Records Commission. Claimants are advised to leave detailed contact information including name, telephone number, e-mail address, and/or physical address where they may be reached, as well as all information pertaining to the specific nature of the complaint. The Pacifica Radio Archives will honor all takedown requests in compliance with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act and other applicable intellectual copyright laws. West, North Hollywood, CA 91604, 80 x 263, fax 81, info AT. David Le Vay (Boston, MA: Beacon Press, 1971). Adapted from an English translation of "Les Guérillères", trans.

The play imagines a literal battle of the sexes in which women, having taken up arms, triumph against an army of men. A radio adaptation of Monique Wittig's surrealistic drama about militant feminist consciousness transformed into action.