DISLIKES: Mayonnaise, curry, Tottenham Hotspur, Big Brother and soap operas. LIKES: Arsenal, motorbikes, FIFA soccer games, tenpin bowling, winding up his little sister. However, he will not live up to his full potential until he learns to stop messing around in class.

ACADEMIC: James has an IQ of 153 and is brilliant at maths. COMBAT: Has shown reasonable aptitude in karate and judo classes, although his reflexes are not the fastest and James often struggles against nimbler opponents. He must run regularly and watch his diet to keep in shape.

BACKGROUND NAME: James Adams BORN: 1991 Tufnell Park, London BIRTH NAME: James Choke APPEARANCE: Fair hair, blue eyes, stocky build FAMILY: Father - Unknown Mother - Died of heart failure, London, 2003 Sister - Lauren Adams, resident at CHERUB JOINED CHERUB: 2003 PROFILE PHYSICAL: James is stocky, which makes him strong but also prone to weight gain.